mais perto das estrelas
If one day they were give me a river
I'd draw my sword and publicy declare
war on it. If one day they were
to give me ink, I'd sharpen my pencil
and spill the ink on the sands of the way.
I'd write herectical words in it, night and day.
If they were to give me endurance
I'd patiently endure my history with God.
Every time I pray and beg for His mercy,
I see Him dump in my way
Ten Commandments, all off them engraved
on banana peels.
Salman Masahla (israel)
a imagem que acompanha este poema de tolerancia foi feita por Jovan Poposki.
gostava que ficassem um pouco com os momentos que estou a viver.
gostava que dormissem como eu.
gostava que tudo fosse assim.
por um segundo...